Suren Das College, Hajo was established on 29th August, 1979. It lies on the banks of the Brahmaputra river, 24 km from the city of Guwahati in the Kamrup district of Assam, India. Being situated in a very rural area of Assam, Suren Das College, Hajo, has been a sole centre for higher education in the area. The college, since its establishment has been providing ample opportunity to pursue higher education to these young and energetic minds.
The science stream was initiated in 2018 with a few students. The stream has been provincialised in 2020 with a total of five departments. The department of Physics at present has a total of three faculties. The department offers three years bachelors degree course as per with Gauhati University's CBCS syllabus.
The department aims at encouraging its students to pursue higher education in science and to increase exposure in the field of research. It also aims at enabling the students to think critically and analysis the subject with depth alongside providing an environment where they can learn moral values and intriguity needed for a good citizen.
Mission & Vision
Mission of Physics Department:
- To provide students who will make a wide range of career choices with an outstanding learning experience in which they develop strong analytical, quantitative, and problem solving skills with a deep appreciation of the role physics plays in technical innovations
- To foster curiosity and excitement about the physical world
- To foster cutting-edge research that expands the horizons of science and technology.
- To provide service and outreach activities to the college and broader community.
Vission of Physics Department:
- To provide students with working knowledge of fundamental laws of physics sufficient to pursue careers in allied fields while ensuring that they are prepared to pursue graduate studies should they choose this path.
- To establish a platform for the dissemination and creation of knowledge through teaching Physics.
Year of Establishment
Seminar Conducted
Awards/ Recognition received by faculty and students
Awards received by faculty:
1. UGC-CSIR Junior Research Fellowship award received by Miss Jyotismita Doley.
2. UGC-CSIR Junior Research Fellowship award received by Mr. Naba Kumar Kalita
3. PANE Young Researchers Award(For Poster Presentaion) by Amar Das
Topic: Investigation of fusion suppression and projectile breakup using classical trejectory method.
Students Achievement:
1. Himashri Bezbaruah: Cleared Physical Eligibility Test for AB/UB Constable in Assam Police.
2.Ajahar Ahmed: Cleared Physical Eligibility Test of Constables(Communication/Messenger/Carpenter/UB) in APRO and Sub-Office, Firemen and Emergency Rescuer in Fire and Emergency Services, Assam